Exhausted. That's a word for how I was feeling still trying to focus on my two businesses with the same energy. It just wasn't working for me. Even within my work at The Studio AYC I had lost my creativity and so began my pivot.
"Why is that important to you?" and "what do you really enjoy?" were questions I realized I need to be asked in order to focus. My loss of attention and creativity was waning due to being overextended and toxically multitasking.
These questions, that a good friend asked me, helped me to realize that I needed to refocus on my passion for typographic design and work towards being the best I can be in the field of design and strengthening my skills in this area. So for 2024 I am aiming to refocus my goals to working on my design skills and strengthening my confidence as graphic designer. I want to create even more creative social media content for my clients. I want to create products and services that incorporate my life and corporate coaching skills. I want to be a studio of inspiration, creativity and mindfulness.
"Musicians play their instruments. I play the orchestra"
Some of the greatest and most successful entrepreneurs are in their positions because they focused on honing in on their strengths. Steve Jobs was famously quoted as saying "Musicians play their instruments. I play the orchestra". He was not a great coder, designer or programmer but he understood how these skills could come together, how these "musicians" can use their strengths together to build an amazing product. Steve Jobs recognized his strengths and focused on those. He was successful because he focused on his passion and skills. Steve Jobs grew and nurtured his strengths to become who he was and what Apple became.
So I'm focusing on my strengths. I'm discarding my Jack of All Trades persona and feeding my passions and skills. After my marathon in November 2023, (watch out for a blog post on the lessons I learned), I also needed to focus on physical strengthening of my muscles for my own health. Strengthening my self-discipline in nourishing myself healthily is also one of my strategies. Strengthening my spirituality will keep me rooted to what's really important on this journey that is my life. Strengthening relationships that feed me and are reciprocal in values will keep me grounded and focused.
So what will be your Word of 2024? What word will help you achieve your personal and professional growth goals? What's that word that will remind you of your why and why you are important?
Leave your comments below and see you in 2024!